Saturday, November 14, 2009

Immigration Reform

     So I was a little disturbed this morning when I recieved my copy of the El Paso Times and on the Front Page it was headlined "Immigration Reform."  I live in a very diverse town.  We are one of the biggest border towns in the world and frankly, im quite sick of this topic. For those of you who dont know, the Obama Administration (big surprise) is pushing forward an amnesty week to let 12 million illegal immigrants that are currently undocumented, GET DOCUMENTS!  Im sorry, im not trying to be rude, but WTF?!
     America is a law abiding country.  The law is, if you come here illeaglly and you get caught, you get deported and have your rights to apply for citizenship revoked for 10 years.  Period.  Obama states that there are a lot of "good citizens that are illegal."  For one, how can you be a "citizen" if you are illegal?  For two, when these immigrants snuck into our country the first thing they did was BREAK A LAW!  But they ar law abiding citizens right?  WRONG! 
     In order to be a citizen of this country you have to be law abiding, I dont care who you are, how bad your country is or where you come from.  If you dont like your country, then FIX IT!!  The Mexican government has let the Mafia continue to run in thier country, they ignored it and though it was not a big problem, guess what?  The Mafia IS the government now.  How is that our fault?  Now our government is doing the same thing.  They have done whatever they want thinking there will not be consequences, mark my words.  If the government continues down this path and just accepts everything and anything, America wil be the next Mexico.  When you let Mexicans infiltrate our country and do whatever they want thats what happens.  The evidence is there people, pay attention.  Get rid of illegals or pay the price.  Many families are not eating today because illegals are doing the jobs Americans could be doing, at half the price. 

1 comment:

  1. Three previous presidents , during times of economic hardship in this country have rounded them up and sent them back across the border. Do a search for Operation Wetback. To enter this country ILLEGALLY is a criminal act,so we are talking 12 million criminals. Apostle Claver ( says it best..a government that doesn't know where it's borders begin and where they end..doesn't know where their country begins and where it ends !
