Thursday, October 29, 2009

Intro for Back to Basics in America

Our country, the United States of America, was founded in 1776 with the signing and proclamation of the Declaration of Independence..  Our forefathers constructed a very carefully written Constitution and Bill of Rights.  This document was made to protect the people of America and to give us the rights that our forefathers endlessly fought for.  It was made to protect us from our government and to ensure the government would never overpower the American people and only be used to show leadership and not dictation.  It is now the year 2009 and our Constitution is under attack.  Our government has continued to grow.  Its causing our economy to collapse and the worth of the American dollar to diminish.  Our government is slowly trying to push God out of our country and sway to socialism.  We must act now to stop this and give the power back to the American people.  We must take the power away from our government.  Everyone has a voice and every voice counts.  America, its time to go back to the basics.


  1. I completely agree with you.
    We americans hae allowed the government to seize control completely. We no longer have a say in what happens. We have allowed our voices to become a faint sound in the hussle and bussle of the much corrupted America we see today. Its amazing just how much power we have given our governement and how much more we contiue to give. We (as a whole) complain so much yet do nothing to change it. [People don't like to believe that their voice can be heard, yet our forefathers were able to do it. People don't see that we give the governement its power and we can take it away. We have the power to remove a president, but we don't, even when we see that the place they are taking us to is a dark and gloomy one. If we all decided to over turn our so called Democracy we could, but we do not. We all need to stand together and do what is right, stand up for what is right, speak our minds and stop letting the politicians feed us lies and eat them up like its our job.

  2. I could not have said that better!!
